
Cash Rewards Doubled For Fishing Violation Tips

Last year, the Oregon Hunters Association awarded nearly $32,000 to reporting parties who gave information that led to a citation or arrest in cases involving fish and wildlife. Starting this year, OHA, the Coastal Conservation Association of Oregon, and the Association of Northwest Steelheaders have partnered to double rewards (to[Read More…]

ODOT Road Construction Update

JACKSON COUNTY • OREGON 99 (Rogue Valley Highway), MP 10.2 to 11, Glenwood to Coleman Creek utility work ($12 million) This project will widen Oregon 99 from East Glenwood Road to Coleman Creek Bridge, improving safety, as well as pedestrian and bicycle accessibility. Other improvements include adding streetlights at four[Read More…]

Great Backyard Bird Count Feb. 14-17

We’re little more than two weeks away from the annual Great Backyard Bird Count, a citizen-science-driven initiative to collect data on wild birds across the world. You can learn more — and download a beautiful graphic for social media posts to encourage others — at https://www.birdcount.org/. You can also watch[Read More…]

Test Turns Into Waterworks At Treatment Plant

A test of a new process for moving backwash from the Rogue River Water Treatment plant on Classick Drive turned into a spectacular water attraction, running in several intervals throughout Mon., Jan. 27. The city’s Public Works Department, after observing a wall on its backwash pond begin to collapse in[Read More…]

Oregon To Get Millions For Fish, Wildlife Fund

Oregon is slated to get nearly $31 million in federal money for fish and wildlife restoration, research and educational programs, and boating, fishing and hunting access. The critical funding was announced last week by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, part of more than $1.3 billion in apportionments generated by[Read More…]

Late-Season Duck Hunting Tips

Many duck hunting seasons end Jan. 26 in Oregon, so there’s still time to get out and try your luck. The Department of Fish and Wildlife’s migratory bird coordinator, Brandon Reishus, is an avid duck hunter. For late-season hunts, he focuses on fine-tuning his strategy to adapt to the winter[Read More…]

Open House On Greenway Extension Tuesday

An open house on the Rogue River Greenway planning project is set for Tues., Jan. 14, starting at 5 p.m. “Basically they’re going to be showing us the routes they’ve considered, some of the reasons why some routes will be better than others, and that they’re working towards a recommended[Read More…]