Author: Kevin Naze

‘Buy Local’ Is More Than Just A Catch Phrase

Supporting area bait shops, sporting goods stores and other local businesses is absolutely essential for the Oregon outdoors lover. Sure, it’s tempting to buy things cheaper from chains or online, but you won’t get personalized service from knowledgeable staff. Buying local also contributes to the economic health of your area,[Read More…]

Sixth Annual Pikeminnow Roundup Is Underway

Anglers hoping to win gift cards, fishing rods, gear and other prizes have until Sept. 21 to compete in the sixth annual Rogue River Pikeminnow Roundup, which began Sunday. Only pikeminnow caught in the Rogue are eligible for the contest. This is a different format then the Northern Pikeminnow Sport[Read More…]

New Bird Poster For Project FeederWatch

Project FeederWatch, a Cornell Lab of Ornithology and Birds Canada program, has a new deal for those who sign up this season. Now through September, new members will get a double-sided poster featuring popular bird feeders and common birds of the east and the west. FeederWatch is a November-April survey[Read More…]

Share Your Passion For The Outdoors

Fishing, hunting and other outdoors adventures are great ways to introduce others to fish and wildlife management, conservation and the importance of clean air and clean water. Building relationships with those who aren’t currently outdoors lovers gets easier when they see your passion and experience some of the fun and[Read More…]

Federal Grants Aid West Coast Fisheries

Millions of dollars in National Fish Habitat Partnership grants from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and partners will help fund essential fisheries work along the West Coast. More than $27.4 million will support 91 fish habitat conservation projects in 29 states. The USFWS is providing $5.9 million this year,[Read More…]

August is National Shooting Sports Month

Whether you’re a seasoned marksman or a first-time shooter, August — National Shooting Sports Month — is the perfect time to celebrate the exciting sport of target shooting For the past eight years, the National Shooting Sports Foundation has organized and promoted the special month in an effort to get[Read More…]

Wildfires Could Impact More Recreation Areas

With no end in sight to a brutal heat wave, wildfire officials are warning outdoor enthusiasts of extreme fire danger in much of the state. In the Medford Bureau of Land Management district, there are a number of emergency fire closures and restrictions on campfires, debris burning and even no[Read More…]

Brutal Stretch Of Heat Returns Next Week

At least eight straight days of highs from 98 to 104 is in the forecast for Rogue River starting next Tuesday, with loads of sunshine. That’s not good news for fish like stream trout already stressed by low, warm water. State fish and wildlife biologists say warm water holds less[Read More…]

Songbird Art Contest For Youths K-12

A Songbird Art Contest for youths K-12 is open through November. Entries must feature either an American Goldfinch, Scarlet Tanager, Cerulean Warbler, Brown-headed Nuthatch, or Scissor-tailed Flycatcher. Students choose a species to research and create a unique, hand-done art piece. Those in 4th grade and above must submit a short[Read More…]