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Homeowner Assistance Fund Program

Oregon Housing and Community Services (OHCS) is accepting final applications for the Homeowner Assistance Fund (HAF) program, which has limited funds remaining. HAF offers federal temporary COVID-19 emergency mortgage relief, designed to help homeowners who have experienced severe financial hardship due to the pandemic. Homeowners are eligible if they are[Read More…]

Oregon Boosts Emergency Preparedness

Oregon Emergency Mangers already seeing significant reduction in time to communicate evacuation information. In honor of National Preparedness Month, the Oregon Department of Human Services (ODHS) is excited to announce a new contract that will provide advanced evacuation software to all of Oregon’s 36 counties and nine Tribes. The software,[Read More…]


SafeOregon and the Oregon State Police remind students, parents, school staff, and community members that everyone plays a role in school safety. SafeOregon is a school safety tip line to report potential threats against students and schools confidentially or anonymously. SafeOregon asks that if you see or hear something concerning[Read More…]

Wildlife Forage Seed Giveaway

ODFW is giving away free wildlife forage seed to Southwest Oregon area landowners on Friday, Sept. 20. The seed is free to the public because of donations from the Rogue Valley Oregon Hunters Association (RVOHA) matched with federal funds granted to ODFW through the Pittman-Robertson Act’s Wildlife Restoration Program. Interested[Read More…]

‘Buy Local’ Is More Than Just A Catch Phrase

Supporting area bait shops, sporting goods stores and other local businesses is absolutely essential for the Oregon outdoors lover. Sure, it’s tempting to buy things cheaper from chains or online, but you won’t get personalized service from knowledgeable staff. Buying local also contributes to the economic health of your area,[Read More…]

Chief Boys Fall To 4A Mazama

With a year under its belt, the Rogue River Jr. Sr. High boys’ soccer team has a better handle on not only playing as a team but also working at being a soccer team. The Chieftains are nearly starting over, with 12 new players to go with six returnees from[Read More…]

RR Girls Challenge 4A Mazama, Come Up Short

In the second year of the reborn program, the Rogue River Jr. Sr. High girls’ soccer team is still uniformly young, but it may be tuned finer toward its goals of becoming competitive again. The Chieftains return ten players from last year’s 17-player roster, but this year’s team has even[Read More…]

Chiefs Pick Up Net Win

The Rogue River Jr. Sr. High volleyball team was able to bounce back from its season-opening loss on Aug. 30 to pick up its first season victory four nights later. The Chieftains have a chance to put themselves in the best position ever for league play this year, the new[Read More…]

Headlines & Highlights for September 11, 2024

SEPT. 13, 1984 We’re hearing that civilians may soon be traveling on the space shuttle. How would you like to be shot into space? Hank Modrell, Rogue River: “I wouldn’t like that. If I keep one foot on the ground, I’ll be alright.” Susan Clawson, Rogue River: “Sure, I’m ready.[Read More…]

ODOT Construction Update

JACKSON COUNTY • OREGON 99 (Rogue River Highway), MP 10.8-12.2, Birdseye Creek, Foots Creek and Millers Gulch Bridge replacement project ($11 million), This project will replace three 1920s-era bridges on Rogue River Highway with structures that are better able to withstand earthquakes. The bridges are located east of the[Read More…]