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Four Champions In The Final Meet

In spite of low numbers due to illness, the Rogue River Jr. Sr. High boys’ and girls’ wrestling teams each had solid efforts in their final regular-season meet, the Gold Beach Panther Coastal Clash on Sat., Feb. 1. The Chieftain girls’ team dominated the upper weights, with champions of all[Read More…]

Cash Rewards Doubled For Fishing Violation Tips

Last year, the Oregon Hunters Association awarded nearly $32,000 to reporting parties who gave information that led to a citation or arrest in cases involving fish and wildlife. Starting this year, OHA, the Coastal Conservation Association of Oregon, and the Association of Northwest Steelheaders have partnered to double rewards (to[Read More…]

Headlines & Highlights For February 5, 2025

FEB. 7, 2024 Poachers shot a cow moose in a field near the town of Ontario on Jan. 16th, and the Oregon Hunters Association offered a reward of $2,000 for information that led to an arrest or citation in this case. Wildlife biologists believe there are about 50 in the[Read More…]

Rogue River FFA Hosts 30th Beef Feed

One thing that can lure a person in from the snowy cold is the scent of cooking and well-seasoned beef. The camaraderie of sharing such a meal with nearly 400 of your neighbors keeps you there. That camaraderie might lead you to bid on and maybe come home with something[Read More…]

Offbeat Oregon History For February 5, 2025

Sometime in mid-1956, Corinne Gunderson Stumbo of Wolf Creek opened her mail and found a bill from Douglas County for delinquent property taxes. It was only $1.50, but Corinne was a detail person. It bothered her that this had been overlooked. It bothered her more when she figured out what[Read More…]

ODOT Road Construction Update

JACKSON COUNTY • OREGON 99 (Rogue Valley Highway), MP 10.2 to 11, Glenwood to Coleman Creek utility work ($12 million) This project will widen Oregon 99 from East Glenwood Road to Coleman Creek Bridge, improving safety, as well as pedestrian and bicycle accessibility. Other improvements include adding streetlights at four[Read More…]