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Council Votes, Again, For Psilocybin Ban

Psilocybin, or therapeutic mushroom, facilities were a focus of the Rogue River City Council at its Thurs., July 25 meeting. Two years ago, after Oregon voters in 2020 had approved Measure 1091, which legalized and regulated psilocybin therapy in the state, the city council temporarily banned the facilities with the[Read More…]

VA Granted Benefits To 1.1M Vets And Their Survivors

The U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs announced that – three-quarters of the way through the fiscal year – it has granted benefits to 1.1 million Veterans and their survivors, an all-time record. In total, VA has awarded $137B in benefits, including $127 billion in compensation and pension benefits, to Veterans[Read More…]

Resilience Against Wildfires, Drought, Extreme Heat

Communities that have been systemically marginalized continue to bear the brunt of extreme climate effects such as wildfires, drought and heat waves, according to a new Oregon Health Authority (OHA) report. But opportunities abound for building resilience against future disasters. Publication of the OHA Public Health Division’s annual Climate and[Read More…]

Brutal Stretch Of Heat Returns Next Week

At least eight straight days of highs from 98 to 104 is in the forecast for Rogue River starting next Tuesday, with loads of sunshine. That’s not good news for fish like stream trout already stressed by low, warm water. State fish and wildlife biologists say warm water holds less[Read More…]

With Extension, Reservoir Construction Starts Spring

Rogue River City Administrator Ryan Nolan said construction on the city’s one-million-gallon water reservoir will begin next spring at the Tues., July 18 City Council Workshop session. Because the costs for building a large, above-ground reservoir have increased since the original cost analysis for the project in 2016, the city[Read More…]

Council Concerned About Message Van

Rogue River Police Chief Dave Rash said he and his department had a “quiet” July 4 with just one complaint regarding fireworks. “I took a fireworks complaint a couple days earlier when I was working the Friday, and somebody from the (Murphy Plywood) yard complained,” he said. “But, no, we[Read More…]